
What Is Data Privacy? Definition, Benefits, Use Cases

Data privacy describes a set of principles and guidelines to ensure the respectful processing, protection, and handling of sensitive data linked to a person. This concept ties to who can define, observe, use, and control a person’s information and how. Typically, privacy spans two types of levels: implicit rules and written legislation. Implicit rules cover norms, behaviors, and values […]

How Automation Is Changing the Compliance Workflow

With over 1.1 trillion MB of data generated daily, you would be hard-pressed to find an industry that isn’t leveraging data and technology to drive organizational success. And for good reason – from real-time decision-making to better generating visibility into operations, data has become an indispensable part of the business world’s intelligence toolbox. That said, some sectors […]

3 Vital Concerns for Companies Running Hybrid-Cloud Environments

The benefits of the cloud – reduced capital expenditures, greater IT flexibility, business efficiency, competitive advantage – are compelling. So much so that, not so long ago, people were predicting organizations would move their entire computing infrastructure to the cloud, and nothing would be left on-premises. It, of course, never happened. Instead, organizations have embraced […]

Five Ways to Future-Proof Your Data Privacy

Click to learn more about author Deepak Gupta. It is always a challenging effort to anticipate the direction data privacy is going. There is an ever-growing need for companies to future-proof data privacy and safeguard sensitive information. With regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) impacting full force, companies now better protect sensitive data […]