
How Big Data Enables One-to-One Marketing

Click here to learn more about Gilad David Maayan. What Is One-to-One Marketing A one-to-one marketing strategy strives to create an experience that fits the individual customer. Rather than segment customers into groups, one-to-one marketing strategies treat each customer individually. This is similar to how sales representatives remember details about each customer, like date of […]

Big Data for Big Pharma: The Power of Predictive Analytics

Click to learn more about author Jasmine Morgan. The pharmaceutical industry is a billion-dollar enterprise which sits on mountains of data. It could use a tool which takes these heaps of information and neatly classifies them, highlighting the relationship between different entities like doctors, patients, prescribed drugs, and diagnoses. This industry faces countless problems related to […]

What Runs the IT Department?

Click to learn more about author Vincent Bieri. Here’s a great question for CIOs: who runs your IT department? It could be yourself, a department engineer or another IT professional responsible for overseeing this vital aspect of your organization. However, I’d argue that your answer is incorrect. It’s no longer a who that’s in charge […]